The Environment Committee was founded in our school in 2018 and has been active in number of areas since its inception.
In May 2019 we were awarded our first Green Flag having successfully addressed waste and recycling issues in our school. Our school was also actively involved in the Fridays for Future movement with several whole-school protests outside our gates.
Unfortunately, COVID disrupted our activities, like many other areas, but we had fantastic news just before schools were closed in March 2020. We had won the Friends of the Earth Solar Panel Competition in the South Region! This means we are the first secondary school in County Tipperary to have solar panels on our roofs that provide some of the electricity we use. The committee had put forward proposals for a car sharing app for students and parents that had impressed the judges quite a bit! It is onwards and upwards from here.
We will be working on our next Green Flag for Water this year and intend to run lots of interesting projects under the WorldWise Global Schools Initiative. The committee is made up of Environmental Officers in each class, but is also open to anyone else who is interested in the environment. Please contact Ms. Stack for more information, if you think this committee is for you!